Movie Fan Man: Cinema Connoisseur

Traditional, Artsy, Genre-Within-Genre: A Little Something for Everyone

Celebrities I Share My B Day With

by Tony Nash

(All Opinions are of the Author Alone)

First off, I gotta thank The Classic Movie Muse for the inspiration for this post. I had mentioned in her announcement for her annual Kim Novak Blog-a-Thon that Miss Novak and my Dad shared February 13th as a birthday and asked me of I shared my D Day with any celebrities. At first I was planning on merely answering her question in a response comment, but then realized a brief post on actors and actressesI share my B Day with would be even better. And with March being my Birthday month, now’s the perfect time.

To start off, my Birthday is March 21st, though I was slated to arrive in April in the late part of 1980’s. Surprisingly, quite a few famous folks share March 21st as their B Day too.


Before I get to the juicy meat of this post, I wanted to mention four non actors/actresses who I share my B Day with. The earliest person I could find who shares March 21st with me is the composer Johann Sebastian Bach, whose music is still enjoyed by lovers of the classics. A nice surprise for me was learning Mr. Broadway himself “Flo” Ziegfeld is a March 21st baby, a name still heralded among musical lovers. Filmmaker Russ Meyer, dubbed the ‘Fellini of Nudes’ was another surprise March 21st birthday boy. And finally, the original independent film producer Mark Hellinger, responsible for Burt Lancaster’s quick rise to fame, rounds out the honorable mentions.

Now for the good stuff


The most underrated James Bond of them all, Mr. Dalton mixes being suave, cool, sometimes devious/sinister and gentlemanly into a fine homogenous concoction.


Catherine Deneuve’s equally talented older sister, who was taken from this world too early in a car crash. Best remembered for acting alongside her sister in Jacques Demy’s ode to Hollywood Musicals Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (The Young Girls of Rochefort).


One of today’s best actors, stellar at a wide variety of parts like Sid Vicious, Sirius Black, and Winston Churchill.


Bueller, Ferris Bueller. ‘Nuff said.


Katherine Hepburn’s kid sister from The Philadelphia Story, she was great in every scene she was in.


A somewhat forgotten character who was great in both comedy and drama. Best immortalized immortalized in a The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode when a demon said he went made after 15 minutes in the Glutton section of Hell.


Best remembered as Cliff Huxtable’s oldest daughter Sondra on disgraced icon Bill Cosby’s show.

There’s quite a few other celebrities I share my B Day with, but I wanted to highlight my favorites. Hope you enjoyed the post, and thanks again to The Classic Movie Muse for the inspiration.

All images courtesy of Images and their respective owners

Filed under: Film: Special Topics

7 Responses

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOVIE FAN MAN!!! Hope it was nice. Those are some pretty good celebrities to share a birthday with. For my birthday of June 1st, I like to single out Marilyn Monroe, Morgan Freeman, and Tom Holland.

  2. Jillian @ The Classic Film Connection says:

    Happy (slightly belated) Birthday! ❤

    This is such a neat idea. 🙂 Timothy Dalton may very well be the most underrated Bond. I’ve never watched any of his Bond films, but I have seen him in other things recently, and he surprised me. Very talented, entertaining performer, and quite funny, too. 🙂 And yes, Ferris Bueller – ‘nuff said, indeed! 😉

  3. Happy Birthday, Moviefanman! 🙂 I hope you had a fabulous day! What a fine list you have here. It’s so fun finding these connections we have to our favorites and I enjoyed learning about yours. Thank you so much for the mention! ❤

  4. Happy belated! That’s some fine company.

  5. Wow – some pretty nifty folks to share your birthday with!

    Also: Belated Happy Birthday!

  6. orededrum says:

    Great article ! Have a wondereful Sunday !

  7. […] speaking of inspiration…Hey, Tony – You’re totally right about letting it come to you. This flowed from me like no post has […]

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